
We are a non-profit gallery, and we do not receive operational funding from any level of government. Consequently, we rely on our regular supporters to renew their membership annually, and we are always delighted to welcome new members. Our annual membership fee of $30 supports our commitment to artistic and educational programming, and assists with required capital improvements. Members enjoy free admission to the gallery, and they are cordially invited to participate in our Annual General Meeting.

To become a supporting member of the Grand Manan Art Gallery, or to renew your membership, complete the membership form below, and mail, or email, it to the Treasurer, Grand Manan Art Gallery, 10 Marathon Lane, Grand Manan, NB, E5G3A3. The Gallery membership fee of $30 can be paid by e-transfer (, or by cheque made payable to the Gallery, and mailed to the Treasurer.

Membership Form